Fatal Dimensions is a fantasy-oriented MUD where players of different classes can explore their ways through varied areas of wonder and imagination. Fatal Dimensions has a few stock areas so any newbie can feel quite at home in the beginning. We have a dedicated group of builders who regularly add new areas to the world. In Fatal Dimensions you can hack-and-slack your career but it is also fun and more rewarding to investigate and interact with the various mobs and environments that you may encounter.
Explore for example, the following areas built by Fatal Dimensions building staff:
- Thieves Academy by Verlag: ever wanted to see how thieves get trained? Better not get backstabbed while you are there!
- Wander through the dangers of the Abyss by Honey and avoid Rutterskins, T-Rex and more exotic creatures…
- Join or fight Robin Hood in Moulder’s Sherwood Forest.
- Engage with the wild and savage gods in Nicademus’ Realm of the Ancients.
- Meet the wondrous people of Jonathan Swift’s Gullivers Travels in Benedict’s Balnibardi, Laputa or Glubdubdrib.
- And even more areas!
Beat up orc’s in The Mines of Moria
Try out Hardcore gameplay for a more intense experience!
Connect to Fatal Dimensions
The addres of the mud is: mud.fataldimensions.nl port 4000
Connect to Fatal Dimensions using telnet:
telnet mud.fataldimension.nl 4000
Or use use a client like Pueblo.
If you want to contact the staff of Fatal Dimensions, either login or mail us at council@fataldimensions.nl.
Vote for us at Mudconnector!
MudWorld Award of Excellence - 2nd Place
The award is of the MudWorld Awards 2001 area plot story contest. Juries were Illuvatar of PhoenixMUD, Keolah of Rogue Winds, Michelle Thompson of the Art of Building and Molly O’Hara of 4 Dimensions. We have won 2nd place in the Category Gothic with the plot story of The Black Castle. So, don’t hesitate do visit this area when you are around (beware of the dog, however).
Very good Benedict!!! Congratulations!
I know i dont play much anymore, but congrats everyone. Great job. Especially you benidict.
Congratulations Benedict. I personally think it’s an ingenious, devious plot. Love it!
I would like to know how to join? Can someone tell me where to go to join?
What do i put here?
I haven’t been around much lately, and I have good reasons for that. But all I can say… nevermind, I have nothing to say.
Hmm, things look rather gloom in these parts now a days. The old adventure most of you know by Brooklyn or Ruphio or even Zimmer has grown old and nears his passening of the way. SF my dear old friend has been treated so badly, shame on you all. This adventure was fun, but entices many no more. Do not think an adventure will take my place… For I will return once more.
Tarquin is the worst imm ever!
Bang up job, fellas. Keep up the good work. -Meth
Very good game. Getting to the best computer game ever.
I don’t understand this part…
Good idea, Black Castle is awsome. Good job guys =)
I take that back BC is good but I can’t leave =( -Torrey
Torrey, you cant get out because you are a l0z3r b
- Started in August, 1996
- Based on Rom2.4b6
- Heavily modified code
- TCL based mob programs
- Pueblo enhanced
- A lot of new and original skills like summon corpse, cantrip, scare, water walk, eyepoke etc.
- Automated quests
- Regulary quests done by the immortals
- Extended clan system with ranks
- The posibility to conquer area’s
- Easy character creation
- A new classes system is in the making
- Limited PK in arena’s
- A lot of custom area’s and enhanced stock area’s
- Includes its own POP3 server to read the mud notes
- You own email address @fataldimensions.org, see help email.
- Includes its own HTTP server for up to date information about the mud
- Intermud-3 Communications towards other muds (IMC)
- The Loony Tunes Pinky and the Brain are available as mobs :)
Latest News
18-02-2022 | Fatal Dimensions has been moved from Digital Ocean to Linode. |
20-10-2019 | Fatal Dimensions is back. Except for the website, everything should be exactly the same as the moment when the mud was shutdown. I brought the mud back for nostalgic reasons, and I plan to keep it running for as long as possible. |
03-05-2012 | The Fatal Dimensions domain registration will expire on 31st of May, 2012. We’re not intending to extend this any more. As a side effect, this server will be shut down afterwards. Clifton bravely took over the MUD administration. The domain is already his, and he has a running version of the MUD. If you want to have your playerfile transfered, please send a request by email to me from your email address posted in your finger information. (otherwise the request will not be honoured) Thank you all for playing. |
14-01-2009 | No resolution, but a request from the council to start updating again: |