Properties for building in fatal dimensions

Fatal Dimensions has a lot of additional options for rooms, objects and mobs. These options are accessable for builders by using properties. Only defined properties are allowed and are displayed in the following list. These properties make ik very easy for the coders to add new options to the mud. You can read more about properties in MavEtJu’s Programmers Kingdom.


levelminintMinimum level for a player to see this room (used by exits connected to this room)
levelmaxintMaximum level for a player to see this room (used by exits connected to this room)
classonlystringIs this room accessible for these classes.
classantistringIs this room forbidden for these classes.
raceonlystringIs this room accessible for these races.
raceantistringIs this room forbidden for these races.
clanstringName of the clan who owns this room. Other clans can’t enter the room.
ownerstringNames of the players who own this room. Other people can’t access these rooms. (unless it’s an openhouse).
maxpeopleintMaximum number of people allowed in this room.
openhouseboolAllow everybody/nobody in this private room? Can be set by the welcome command.
openhousestringAllow thee people in this private room. Can be set by the welcome command.
healrateinthealing-rate modifier for this room
manarateintmana-rate modifier for this room
moverateintmovement-rate modifier for this room
no-commboolIs the use of the channels allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-auctionboolIs the use of the auction-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-prayboolIs the use of the pray-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-gossipboolIs the use of the gossip-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-questboolIs the use of the quest-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-gratsboolIs the use of the grats-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-quoteboolIs the use of the quote-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-questionboolIs the use of the question-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-answerboolIs the use of the answer-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-musicboolIs the use of the music-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-clantalkboolIs the use of the clantalk-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-yellboolIs the use of the yell-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-herotalkboolIs the use of the herotalk-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-announceboolIs the use of the announce-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
no-quoteboolIs the use of the quote-channel allowed in this room. Default it false.
commentstringRandom comment for a room
is-arenaboolIs this room considered an arena (i.e. safe kills and so on)
login-roomintvnum of room to put player in at login if he quit from this room.
resurrection-roomintvnum of room to put player after death.


clanitemstringName of the clan who owns this object (for clan-items)
clanstringName of the clan who owns this object
ownerstringName of the player who owns this object. Currently only used for keys of private rooms.
previousowner*stringname of the person who gave this object the last time.
previousowner*intvnum of mob who lost this weapon due to death. Cleared when sold.
levelhaveminintIf set, the object requires a minimum level for having it
levelhavemaxintIf set, the object has a maximum level for having it
sex-onlystringIf set, only persons with the sex defined here will be able to wear the object.
anti-sexstringIf set, persons with the sex defined here will not be able to wear the object.
fortunecookieboolTrue if this object has to be treated as a fortune cookie
whetstoneboolIf true, the object will act as a whetstone.
creditcardboolIf true, the object will act as a creditcard.
portaltreestringname of the target of the portaltree.
no-sellboolshould object be sold?
commentstringRandom comment for an object
reflect-magic-chargesintTimes an object can succesfully relfect a spell. If not set, obj can’t reflect.
reflect-magic-levelintMax spell-level an object is able to reflect. default obj’s level.
racestringCorpse from a char of this race
bodypartslongBodyparts contained in this obj (see PART_* macro’s in merc.h)
bodypartsourcestringName of the (n)pc who died
bodypartlevelintLevel of the mob this part belonged to


quest_giverlongvnum of quest master
quest_nextintnumber of minutes before next quest has be started
quest_countdownintnumber of minutes left for this quest
quest_objintvnum of object to collect
quest_mobintvnum of mob to kill
quest_localonlyboolif quests are only for this area
quest_descstringshort description of what needs to be done.
tagjoinedboolHas player joined a tag-quest
taghitboolHas player been hit
tagitboolHas player been it
tagrewardintAmount of tags in the last game
special_stepintUsed by the spec_command_sequence
afk-messagestringstring to be displayed when afk
auto-afk-messagestringstring to be displayed when afk by idling
afk-timeoutintamount of ticks before player goes in auto-afk mode
emailstringEMail address of player
yahoostringYahoo address of player
icqstringICQ address of player
msnstringMSN address of player
aimstringAIM address of player
xmppstringXMPP/Jabber address of player
homepagestringHomepage of player
publishboolDisplay the information of the privte data of the player
rawcoloursboolraw colours in the editor
nocorpseboolif TRUE then killing the mob won’t give a corpse
sat_in_boatboolTemporary used by the moving of a boat
commentstringRandom comment for a mob
layonhandsintTo remember position of target when doing this skill
cantripstringThe cantrip the person is affected with
lastpollidintThe id the person voted last for
lastgainedstringThe skill/group the person last gained
invited_forstringClan the player was invited for.
invited_bystringPerson who invited the person.
ool_levelintlevel of char to last attack this mob
ool_charstringname of char to last attack this mob
ool_timeoutinttime till the ool_* props are removed
ool_penaltyinttimestamp when the penalty wears off
max_hpintMob will not heal above this amount of HP.
exit_storeintVNUM of the room the mobile last exited through a exit with the STORE flag
clanstringName of the clan this char is in.
log-reasonstringWho logged this char and why.
log-timeoutinttime until the timed log will wear off
pet_align_marginintAmount the alignment of pet and owner may differ.
hardcore_start_lvlintcontains the level when a player became hardcore.
hardcore_start_expintcontains the xp when a player became hardcore.
restartintHow often did this char start over.

The entries with a * are not implemented yet.