Help Afk

Syntax afk [reason]
       afk timeout [number]
       afk message [message]
       afk automsg [message]
Typing AFK puts your character in a tell-saving mode as follows: 
any tell to you is stored in a special buffer, and can be seen
later by typing replay.  This is useful when you need to leave the
mud for 5 or 10 minutes, but don't want to miss tells.  AFK shows
up in your prompt until it is turned off. Typing AFK without an
option will remove your AFK-status.
Tells to link-dead players are stored in a similar fashion, and 
can also be seen by typing replay (unless, of course, the character
logs off before reading them).
The reason will be stored instead of the current title, so if you 
type "afk is visiting the bathroom", you will be shown in the
who-list as:
 [ 34  Drow  Mag] [AFK] MavEtJu is visiting the bathroom
Two additional parameters can be used:   
timeout: to specify after how many ticks you want to go in AFK mode.
         without an option it will display the current settings.
message: to specify which message to display in the who-list per
         default when you manually go afk.
automsg: to specify which message to display in the who-list per
         default when you go afk by being idle too long.
The afk title that will be used is selected like this:
1- if a reason was given after the afk command, it is used.
2- if you're going afk by idling and a automsg is set, it is used.
3- if a message is set, it will be used.
4- your afk title is identical to your regular title.
See also replay

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