Help Auto Autolist Autoloot Autogold Autosac Autoexit Autoassist Autosplit Combine

Usage config auto
      config auto <option> [options...]
ROM uses varies automatic actions, to ease the boredom of always splitting
gold and sacrificing corpses.  The options are as follows: 
list   : list all automatic actions   
loot   : take all equipment from dead mobiles   
gold   : take all gold from dead mobiles   
sac    : sacrifice dead monsters (if autoloot is on, only empty corpes)   
exit   : display room exits upon entering a room   
split  : split up spoils from combat among your group members   
assist : makes you help group members in combat   
title  : update your title when you're raising a level
compact: use less overhead for the standard options
combine: combine same items in your inventory
all    : toggle everything
Using an option toggle the it. Using 'auto' without options displays 
all the currect options.

See also config

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