Help Note Notes Changes News Penalty Idea Unread Bug Typo

The notes on ROM replace the bulletin boards and mail systems found
on many other muds.  The following options are usable:
listing notes:
unread          : display how many unread notes you still have
unread show     : display unread notes with overview
unread catchup  : mark all notes as read
unread read     : display the next unread note
reading notes:
note list       : show all notes (unread notes are marked with an N)
note list [from|subject|text <search text>]
                : show only that match the search text. (from requires
                  full names)
note read       : either by number, or read next to read unread notes
note remove     : remove a note that you wrote or are the target of 
note catchup    : mark all notes as read  
writing new notes:
note to         : set the to line (playername, clanname, immortal, 
                                                        council or all)
note subject    : set the subject for a new note 
note edit       : edit your note in a line oriented editor
note clear      : erase a note in progress
note show       : displays the note you are working on
note post       : post a new note. This MUST be done to post a note.
note spool      : transfer a note from another note type to this one.
note copy <num> : copy the contents of that note into your current note.
When you log in, you will be informed if there are unread notes
waiting. Type 'note read' to scroll through them one at a time.
The reciptients of notes are checked to be valid. For writing to a clan
with a space in its name use quotes, e.g. "note to 'holy order'".
While editing notes, it is possible to make new paragraphs by starting
lines with a space.
Four other note directories exist, these are news, changes,
typo and penalties (gods only).  They are used the exact same way,
for example news read 5 will read news #5.  Posting to the news
and changes boards is restricted. The 'unread' command can be used
to show your unread notes on all the note spools.
Ideas and bugs can't be posted on these directories anymore.
For those, use the forum:

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