Help Building

If you are interested in building, know a few things first. One-
building is NOT the quick way up the immortal ladder. It is slow,
tedious, boring and thankless work. This is Because we have extremely
high expectations here for all new areas- which is why new areas
take so long. There are building guidelines which are very rigid.
If you think you are interested still, go to this website, and DL
the guidelines for what we expect. Look at them carefully, there
are also some rough samples to demonstrate the kind of work we want

 If you *still* think you are interested, then I suggest that you put
together some writing which demonstrates that you are capable of working
up to these guides consistently. You can DL the offline editor from the
muds homepage, also ( sites listed at the end of this note). If you are
still serious at this point, include a biography, telling us about
yourself, so we can know someting about you as we consider your

See also

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