Help Clcreate

Some question has been raised as to how to start a new clan,
or take control of an existing one.

To start your own clan you must have the following: 
1) A leader who is above level 50. 
2) Active interest in starting the clan. 
3) The 1250 diamond startup fee. 
(For 1 Clan Room, 110/110 healing, and clan recall) 
4) Immortal approval from the Clan Overseers or Implementors. 
5) At least 6 active clan members. 
  (All played  by different players who have this clan as 
  first priority. (No alts of immortal/leader/knights)) 

To take over a clan you must do the same. The existing clan hall will 
be stripped until it is a standard clan hall. If you want to take over 
the clan as it is you need to ask the Clan Overseer how much it costs. 
The clan overseer will determine the price of the complete clan hall. 
It is possible to take over a clan whose leaders haven't been 
online for 2 months. 
Also other requests about clans, e.g. change/reinstate the leadership 
of a clan, can be send to the clanoverseer. After consulting fellow 
council members (and clanseers), he/she will decide on the matter.
Be aware that the clan can be informed about your request. 
When almost all members of a clan become inactive, the clan can 
be closed. This means that the clan is not supported any more and all 
clanmembers will be demoted to member. 
After a month all members should have found a new clan. All clan-features
will be disabled and the clanhall will be open for all.
See also clans

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