Help Practice

Syntax practice
       practice <skill|spell>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability level
in all the skills and spells available to you.  You can check this

If you are in your guild, PRACTICE with an argument practice 
that skill or spell.  Your learning percentage varies from 0%
(unlearned) to a some maximum between 70% and 80%, depending
on your class.  You must be at a guild master to practice. If  
you aren't and you know the skill or spell, you will be told  
how well you know it.
If you are not in your guild, PRACTICE with an argument 
displays how well trained you are in that skill.

The higher your intelligence, the more you will learn at each
practice session.  The higher your wisdom, the more practice sessions
you will have each time you gain a level.  Unused sessions are
saved until you do use them.
For example: practice sword
             practice 'magic missile'

See also train, skills

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