Help Race Help Race Races

Human is the default race, requiring 0 creation points.
They have average minimum and maximum statistics.
Elf requires 5 creation points. Although they have lower
(by a bit) minimum statistics as compared to humans,
they have the potential of being stealthy if their
occupation requires them to be.
Dwarf takes up 8 creation points. They don't fall ill
easily although they have a dislike for water. Also,
they can be quite a bull in the china shop if needs be.
Giant needs 6 creation points. They are afraid of
nature's storm and lightning. Again like the two
races before, they have lower min stats. If their job
requires, they recover quickly.
Halfling necessitates 5 creation points. Poor stats
though they do not have any weaknesses. They can be
quite good at bargaining with peddlers.
Kender eats 7 creation points. Poor stats again,
pretty similar with halflings, more adept at stealthy
skills if need be.
Drow grabs 4 creation points, the lowest among all
apart from humans. Narrower potential though better
min stats. Friend of the mages.
See also
human, elf, dwarf, giant, halfling, kender, drow
race help, race, races

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