Help Stacking Commandstacking

Command Stacking is to enter several commands on one line which get
executed in a row. On Fatal Dimensions the command seperator is the ;.
You can use stacked commands on both the commandline as in aliases
(there a pair of ;'s has to be used). For example:
To go to the questmaster in Midgaard:
  /;s;s;w;w;w;n;n;e;e;op n;n
or in alias:
  alias qm /;;s;;s;;w;;w;;w;;n;;n;;e;;e;;op n;;n
(assumed your recall is at Grum)
The con to command stacking is that there is a pause of one second
between the commands.
If you stack aliases into each other so that you are stuck and in an
infinite loop you are on your own. Perhaps logging off and logging
on again will work.

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