Help Train

Syntax train
       train <str int wis dex con hp mana>

TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game,
your character has standard attributes based on your class, and
several initial training sessions.  You can increase your attributes
by using these sessions at a trainer (there are several in town).

It takes one training session to improve an attribute, or to increase
mana or hp by 10.  You receive one session per level.

The best attributes to train first are WIS and CON.  WIS gives you
more practice when you gain a level.  CON gives you more hit points.
In the long run, your character will be most powerful if you train
WIS and CON both to 18 before practising or training anything else.
Until level 5 you can train in mudschool, then you can train at the
sailor in Midgaard (see the map of where he is).

See also practice score

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